Would You Like To Learn Ways To Reduce Anxiety, Stress and Burnout?
So You Can Experience Greater Calm, Be More Resilient,
Have More Focus, and Sleep Better?

At the risk of sounding like a cliché, you only have a limited amount of time on Earth.
If you're spending that time feeling constantly stressed, anxious, and burnt out, or if you've ever felt like there's got to be some way to balance all of life's demands without constantly feeling that knot in your stomach...
...there it is.
Mindfulness In Everyday Life is an 8-hour course — though we prefer to think of it as an experience — that will teach yourself how to reduce stress and anxiety through
mindfulness, meditation, and related skills. We share with you techniques that studies show can disrupt the runaway negative feedback loop in your brain — the one causing fear, anxiety, stress, and the feeling of not being in control of your life.
What negative feedback loop? This one: Day after day, minute by minute, negative thoughts and fears bubble up inside your mind, often leaving you stuck on an emotional rollercoaster, with no end sight. When your mind gets caught up in this runaway, chain of negative thoughts, stress and anxiety levels can jump.
As a participant in Mindfulness In Everyday Life, you will learn, over the course of 4 consecutive
Thursday nights:
• Basic mindfulness and meditation skills
• The science behind mindfulness and meditation, and some of its history
• How to develop one of the key attributes of mindfulness — purposeful, focused awareness — which will facilitate concentration, the development of compassion (starting with much needed self-compassion), relaxation and the development of a new, more productive relationship with anxiety and stress.
• How to bring your new mindfulness and meditation skills into your everyday life, so you can manage stress and anxiety as you go through your day.
"Meditation trains the brain to achieve sustained focus, and return to that focus when negative thinking, emotions, and physical sensations intrude — which happens a lot when you feel stressed out and anxious."
The truth is, nobody EVER has the time Between work, family, errands, meals, commutes, activities, we are all constantly pulled in different directions with constant demand on our time.
The irony is that if you wait until the timing is just right — you've got enough money in the bank, you get your dream job, you retire — you'll never do what you need to do.
Think about it: is the timing right when you go to work in the morning? Wouldn't you prefer to go to work when it's convenient for YOU, not for your employer? And yet you wake up early and go to work because earning a living is important to you.
Remember: we have a limited amount. of time on Earth, and none of us know how much or how little that is. Are you going to spend your limited time on that treadmill of anxiety and stress, or are you going to resolve to do something about it... even if. the timing isn't perfect, and even if other things and people are demanding that you spend your time elsewhere?
Are you prepared to start taking back your life, training your mind, and dealing with stress and anxiety skillfully and effectively so that they don't run (or ruin) your life?
If so, we'd love to see you in the next session of Mindfulness In Everyday Life. This four-week course is priced at $397. That's about $50 per week per hour for 8 hours of instruction and immersive experience. By way of comparison, you probably spend as much or more money each month eating out at restaurants and getting your morning coffee.
You really only have to answer one question: is your mental health worth the same price as a few restaurant meals and your daily latte? We think it should be, but in this case you're still on the fence, we've added a guarantee and a free gift for you.

We believe in the importance of this training, so we’re willing to put our money where our mouth is: If you are not completely satisfied with the experience after you complete all of the sessions, we will refund 100% of your money. Period.

As an additional thank you for signing up, we are gifting each participant in Mindfulness in Everyday Life a copy of “Peace Is Every Step” by internationally renowned Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh. Thich Nhat Hanh’s books have sold millions of copies; he has spoken at Google’s headquarters and elsewhere and was one of Oprah’s most celebrated guests. The book makes an excellent companion to the learning experience, and we think you’ll get great enjoyment out of it. Scroll down to see an image of the book’s cover.
No problem! We’re happy to talk to you by phone or by email. Pablo del Real, founder of The Way Mindfulness Education and one of the principal instructors for Mindfulness In Everyday Life, would be happy to answer your questions or address any concerns. You can reach Pablo anytime:
By Phone: 561.901.3467
By email: [email protected]
"We can make ourselves miserable or we can make ourselves strong. The amount of effort is the same."
Ready to get started? Sign up now using the orange button below:
Send your application here!WHAT CAN I EXPECT IN THE SESSIONS?
Sessions will be taught by our experienced instructors — trained mindfulness teachers, psychologists, and mental health professionals with advanced degrees, silent retreat experience, and daily mindfulness habits. You will always be
in good hands.
Sessions will be interactive: you will be able to ask questions, share your personal experiences with anxiety and stress, and learn from others sharing those same experiences, all in a supportive, non-judgmental environment.
Our instructors will also teach you how to meditate, and the principles of mindfulness meditation. Each session will involve approximately 20 minutes of guided mindfulness meditation, usually broken into two sittings of 10 minutes each, with instruction prior to each meditation and insightful discussion afterwards.
We limiting these classes to a small number of participants so we can provide personalized, individually-tailored attention to each of you. For that reason, we strongly encourage you to sign up and reserve your place as soon as you can.
CEUs may be available. Please call us at 561.901.3467 to find out more.
Receive a copy of Peace Is Every Step as our gift
when you sign up for this 4-week experience.
Your gift will be delivered to you shortly after the first session.

All nature photos on this site are of Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge in Boynton Beach, Florida.
561.901.3467 • LANTANA, FL 33462 • [email protected]